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Health care blogs are one of the most widely searched subjects on the world wide web. If you type the phrase “health care blog” into your favorite search engine, over 69 million results will appear. There are health care blogs and websites on medical information, health insurance, dental insurance and nutrition and fitness information. If you’re seeking health care information and medical information online, the most important thing is to consider the source. Some of the medical information online is very reliable and some is not. In general, federal healthcare websites can be trusted. You may also look for medical information on well known medical schools such as Johns Hopkins or the Cleveland Clinic. Another good source of information is the National Institutes of Health at www.nih.gov. As an example, they have information on managing heart health, living with diabetes, caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, and different types of cancers. Health care blogs are another source - of a different kind. Blogs are much like talking to a friend with the same illness as you or a testimonial, but shouldn’t be taken as actual medical advice. Only professionals in the medical field are qualified to give true medical advice. However, health care blogs can certainly be a source of comfort and informative and much like chat rooms where information is exchanged.

Health and fitness information online ranges from blogs, websites, and the sale of books, videos and fitness equipment. Beginning a fitness program can be one of the best things you do for your health to reduce risk of chronic disease. It’s possible to design a fitness program around information you find online, but be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any new fitness routine. Many health care websites address questions and concerns you may have about designing a personal fitness program. You’ll want to think about your likes and dislikes and your current fitness level, and then your goals and practical strategies for keeping on track with your fitness routine. In summary, for medical information, health and fitness information, the internet can be a valuable tool.


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