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The information on these blogs contains up to date research and information on a variety of topics:

The Student Doctor Network is a great place for faculty, students, and advisors to connect and discuss everything from being a doctor to medical news.

The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest maintains the DrugWonks blog. Reading through this blog, you will find information on new drug studies, FDA approvals and more.

As a licensed practitioner of pediatrics, Dr. Stacy B. Stryer, focuses on children's health including natural health, hearth health, cold and flu, and even college health on The Portable Pediatrician.

Oregon's Rx for Healthcare Blog, sets out to inform the public and encourage discussions about how healthcare reform can come about.

Dr. Vivian Dickerson is a licensed OB/GYN who writes to inform women of all ages on Women’s Health blog.

As a Mayo Clinic oncologist, Dr. Edward T. Creagan, talks about everything on his stress blog, from dealing with stress to ways of simplifying your general life.

The Differential is a blog brought to you by several medical students through Medscape blogs, and covers all sorts of information. Students are from colleges such as Cambridge University, UNC Chapel Hill, and more.

Best-selling author, Dr. Michael R. Eades, who wrote Protein Power, uses his blog to inform you about diet research studies, metabolism, nutrition and more.


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